Monday, October 17, 2011

The Lost World

Okay, so where have I been? Ugh. Well, my interwebs have been down for a while, and the sad thing is it's been so long that I just can't even remember how long that it's actually been.

Don't get excited, I know all eight of my followers have missed me. (Yeahhhhhh!) But, I'm only posting right now to say that no, I'm not dead and yes, I am using a hot spot. When will I get internet again? Not even I know.

In good news though, I have managed to get a new job! HURRAY. Best Buy, baby. I knew you would pull through for me. I guess that's another perk of being a nerd. You can find a good and decent paying job.... Although the down side is I couldn't manage to get a job ANYWHERE ELSE. Mostly because I'm a nerd. I couldn't even get a waitress job, because they said that they don't need someone who knows things about electronics and gadgets and how to be friendly. THEY WANTED PEOPLE WHO KNEW ABOUT FOOD. What? I know about food, sure. I know how to eat it. I don't think there is much more to it than that, right? Oh well, I'm probably getting paid way better than they would have ever paid me in tips anyways. I would also rather smell clean and fresh than like food and a smelly kitchen. Hmph.

So, things should be moving up for me now, hopefully. Decent income, a good working (but ugly) car... School in January. Maybe, just maybe, things might start to be getting good again. Now all I have to do it save up for internet and get my drawing kick back again.

Let's see, what else is going on?



THANK  YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR ME. I feel so important. Le Cry. Awesome people are just incredibly awesome.

Speaking of awesome things.

If I was rich. I would buy this.

Oh, baby... Where have you been all my life?


If only I had $2,500 just laying around. 

I would do anything for this thing. Well, almost anything. But still. It looks amazing. So amazing. I want it, want it, want it.

I'm so excited now that I have no idea what to say, so I will go leaving you one of my promised facts. 

Did you know that, Ailurophilia is "The love of cats?"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Alright, so I'm taking back my post a day thing. for now, Changing it to. I'm going to post when I'm not tired. Can't do another 3 am post today guys, sorry. Got a lot to do and no time to do it. Oy, oy, oy. Will be back tomorrow though. But, I am keeping my promise on my random daily facts. :)

Did you know that chewing gum while cutting an onion keeps you from crying?

Have a good night.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We've Got A Downer

Another almost 3Am post. Gosh, what is wrong with me and staying up so late this week? Dunno, weird.

Well, tonight I'm going on another rant. But, it's another kind of sappy art rant. It's got it's ups and downs. Oh and some posting up of a piece I am working on as well.

Today I discovered the most amazing kind of convention that someone like me could discover... I don't know how it has existed for three years without me knowing, but dear god am I glad that I found out about it now...

It's the CTN Animation Expo. Just. Look at the website. Whenever I do I am just at a loss for words. a convention... for animators and artists alike?! OH. MY. GOD. WHEREHAVEYOUBEENALLMYLIFEBABYIWANTYOUSOBAD. People from the Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, DreamWorks, Blue Sky Studios, Warner Brothers... The list goes on and on.... Andreas Deja will be there. Auughhh! I swear if Glen Keane was there I would be having even more of a mental breakdown than I am right now. It's insane. There will be schools there. Vendors. People creating connections with one another and networking. Portfolio reviews advice and people with the same interests and dreams as me that I can relate to? Oh, my. It sounds like heaven. The things I would do to attend. Sadly, I don't think I would make much of an impression. I am but a mere mediocre artist who dreams big, has no college education or art classes under her belt and no portfolio because what I had built was all saved on my last laptop which got stolen. I also have no money. Ugh. Being unemployed and not being able to afford school sucks. It's even harder when you can't find a job because you currently have no car. The things I would do. For even just for a couple days be able to attend something as marvelous as that and make friends with people in the field I dream of. But, for 140 bucks for 3 days, probably another 200 for a hotel and another for airplane tickets. That is yet another unattainable object in which I seek.

Yes, much like our friend scratte... I just can't ever get that damned acorn. 

I'm sure I wouldn't have so much trouble with money if I had more people who looked at my work and would get a commission or two from me. But, my work is not quite that popular because I draw what I want to draw. People like fan art and pictures of things they are used to already and what they like. Or, half naked or fully naked pictures as well. I just don't want to have to stoop to that level in order to have my art noticed. I want it to stand out because it's good, not because it's what everyone else is doing. Aw well.

Despite my excited high over the animation expo, it was quickly brought down. I can't afford to go to a convention like that right now, I don't even have a car. I have no business attending something so expensive when I have other things to attend to. These were the words of my brother in law. They are indeed right words. I wish they weren't but they are. I have priorities. But still. The benefits and knowledge I would get from attending would feel so worth it to me. A gal can dream if she wants.

Okay. I'll stop boring you with my pitiful-ness.

Here is a little something fun for you guys to look at.

I found a meme floating around on Deviant Art recently. And the meme was to find an old picture that you used to be proud of and redraw it now so that you can see how you have improved and changed your style over the years. So here is my WIP of my current addition.

This is a picture of an OC I drew back in 2008. Yep. OLD. 

This is my un-colored rendition of the same character, now. 
(Full view for best quality I suppose.)

Yea. Aint it crazy to see the difference? the whole time I was drawing this I was just telling myself how horrible I thought the original was and was changing everything I thought could have been improved. It's so odd. And I bet if I do this again in another 4 years, I'll think this picture is horrible as well. Crazy how things change. 

Well, that's my thing for today. It's 3:30 here and I'm about to start making no lick o' sense. 

Did you know that in 1962 Leonardo De Vinci's Mona Lisa was valued at 100 million dollars? What do you think the price would be now? 

And I am off to bed! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Nerd Is The Word

What's today's subject guys? Drumroll please... ... NERDS! ...but, not just any nerds...
uh... no, not this nerd. 

If you truly love doing things like... ... playing video games for hours on end, reading and collecting comics obsessively, watching cartoons and anime, writing fan fics,scfi,and fantasy stories... drawing these anime and comic characters, or all of those combined and then some... Then you are indeed like me and are a geek. Now, I know that I write about being a nerd and a geek a lot. I don't mean to toss the word around like a fad. I just don't know how else to describe myself. I have always been that way and somehow just recently I have discovered that somehow being a geek or a nerd has actually begun to become... popular? I don't know. Maybe that's just me. But the popularity of nerds is a subject that we might just address later on in this post. What I'm getting at right now is Female geeks and my opinion on them how they work, and the goods and bads that come with it.

She's actually not a nerd, she just really likes sweater vests. 

Aside from the fun in being a chick geek/ gamer, it can sometimes be kind of hard. I've mentioned before that I used to work at Game Stop, which was a great job. I won't lie, but for a while and still towards the end I would always get those guys who would come in the store, look at me, and walk to the nearest male to ask their questions. Now, I will admit... I'm not the hottest chick around. And I'm sure if I were much more of a looker a lot more of those men wouldn't have minded that much to ask me those questions. But sometimes it doesn't even matter how hot you are, these men want answers and someone to talk to games about and a lot of the time they assume the girl is there for looks and won't know an ounce about the games they are selling to them. Which in some cases is one hundred percent true. In mine, it wasn't. though I had some people who wanted to think so at first. I once had a guy come in and tell me to my face that I probably didn't know a thing about any of the games I was selling and I probably didn't like any of the stuff. He said that I was probably working there because I just needed the money. When I told him about the title he was hiding in his hands, what I thought about it when I played it, and how I probably knew more about computers and games than he did, he sure stopped talking. I also had another guy come in and tell me that he didn't want to talk to me and that he wanted to talk to a man that probably knew ten times more about the games than I did. I said nothing, walked off and let my manager tell the guy about my favorite game that no one else in the store knew more about that me. 

In out current time there are a lot more women interested in gaming and comics then there used to be, and I don't mean to sound naggy, but I do wish that the stereotype would just disappear that none of them know anything. Now, I know that there are a lot of women out there who also claim to be gamers and stuff like that, and then when you look at their game collection, all you see is some puzzle games, and maybe a pokemon game. Uh-uh, that don't count. Apparently to men, that is what a female gamer is. I've had them tell me so, and that is just silly to me. I play MMORPGS, Shooters, RPGs, Puzzles, Music, Logic, and all sorts of other games. You want to play a match of Call of duty with me? Okay, but don't expect to win. Guitar hero? Sure, I'll play with you... But wait, do you play on Expert? I do. Oh okay we'll play a fighter. Did I tell you I beat my boyfriend at MVC3? Oh, What's my favorite game? Oh, that's an easy one Bioshock baby! 

So, I'm that kind of gamer, but I'm a chick... what does that make me, if females who play video games only play puzzles? I guess I'm an other. Now, I'm not bashing on all men. there are some men who find women like me insanely hot. Others, not so much. Either way, I'm not the kind of chick to want all that attention. All I want is someone who can last a match with me in Halo without me pulverizing them with a single plasma cannon and who can talk about common interests. But, that's why I have my boyfriend who is probably even nerdier than me and can beat me at some games. 

Female Gamers/geeks just have a common interest with male geeks. I don't see what the problem is. IF they are threatened by us then they need to grow up. If we can accept that a man can beat us at Professor Layton, then they can accept that a chick can beat them at Gears of War. 

Sadly, it's not only men that make that stereotype last. Women help too. There are chicks who think girls like me are gross and dumb. Not all of them, but there are some. But, I guess equality is too much to ask for. I'm just too lazy to want to deal with the drama I suppose. But we all have to face it... all of us has a little nerd in them somewhere.

So, what are your nerdy habits? If you think you don't have any, do you have anything about you that people stereotype? 

It's funny how weird of a world it is. People don't like things that change and things that are different. Yet, so many people aim to be and do just that. If others just accepted it, things would be so much easier. But, I guess that if that were the case things wouldn't be quite so interesting... would they?

Tonights rant probably didn't make much sense. Most likely because it's almost three in the morning. WHY AM I STILL AWAKE?!


Did you know that surgeons who grew up playing video games make 37 % fewer mistakes than the surgeon who did not? Guess gaming can pay off. 

Night guys, have a good one. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

One Of Those Artist Thangs...

Late post tonight. Just got finished re-watching the movie "Rio." Was a cute movie the first time and remained so the second time. I won't lie. I'm a sucker for kids movies and animated films. It's what I do. Especially Disney. But, I'm sure y'all know that by now.

Speaking of which, I don't know about you guys. But, I am completely one hundred percent stoked for the re-release of the Lion King in 3 freaking D. But best of all the new 8 disc box set that they are going to be releasing. I NEED IT. Even if I can't afford it.


Now, the 3D part, meh. It's not necessary really... but still, an amazing movie like Lion King deserves to be in theaters again and re-released for those to see. It's worth it. And if you by some whack chance have not seen it, then I recommend that you do so as quickly as humanely possible because it is a movie that should never be missed. My personal favorite both for story and art. Oh the things I would do to be able to take part in the creation of such an amazing movie. To me... being an animator would be such an amazing thing. To draw something, pick out how it looks, it's personality, how it moves... and to bring it to life? How does that not sound like an amazing job? Being able to look at a movie loved by thousands of people and having the ability to say, "I helped to make that." Even if it was a small small piece. To contribute to something so influential and amazing just makes me want to cry. (You know what I mean.)

I know that it takes time for these movies to be made and a lot of hard work. But, I feel like the end result would just be completely worth it. The feeling of accomplishment that would come with finishing something like that... I would imagine to be amazing.

As much of a huge dream it is for me to work with Disney or Pixar... I love the idea of animation so much that I wouldn't mind working somewhere else. I know the idea is far off. But, even if I was helping to make commercials somewhere or something else... at least I would be doing animation and doing what I love. Doesn't mean I will settle with that though. people like me who dream bigger than they should, and don't have the means of getting to where they want to be... We get brought down a lot. I mean, especially artists. It can get to be so tough. Knowing that somewhere there is someone who is better than us, and knowing that a lot of artists don't always make it. There are risks and a lot of road blocks to overcome... But, at least I will go in knowing that I tried and if I still end up at the bottom. I'll just keep on trying. There are always ways to get where you want to be. You just need the drive and knowledge to get there.

In the art world now... It's not all about how well you draw. It's about who you know and how to know where to be where you need to. I may not have the money or the education yet, but I know where I need to be to find these people. And I will find a way to get there. It might take me a while, but I will.

Alright, alright, enough of my artsy fartsy self motivation rants. It's past 2 am here. It's past my bedtime Sheesh!!

By the way... Did you know that in the movie "Lilo And Stitch" That there is a "Mulan" Poster hanging in Nani's bedroom?

Friday, August 26, 2011


I swear that my blog does not contain false advertising. I know, I know. I'm supposed to be updating every day. But sometimes I have a spark of this little thing I like to call life, and I have to attend to it (that and sickness.) SO, my friends and my blog... I do apologize for my absence... I am back though! With many a thing to talk about!!!

First off, I want to say thanks to Gallery No. 3 for putting some of my work up for others to see. If y'all haven't checked them out yet, please do. It's a wonderful blog where artist's can share their talents.

Second... As promised I said I would post up some pictures of my lovely, lovely, rats. and so, here they are.

Romeo eating his foodies and Caesar behind him still thinking I am the ugliest rat he has ever met. 

Anyways, onto other topics. I've mentioned before how I used to work with Game Stop. Most of the people I worked with there were amazing. And I still talk to them. I swear some of the coolest people you can meet in this world are nerds, artists, and gamers. They act how they want, like what they want, and they don't care about some of the petty other things that a lot of other people do. I mean, they are just laid back and awesome. Everyone should have a geek friend. They're great. Though, sometimes they can be a little outlandishly nerdy. 

Last night I went back up to my old store to attend one of the late game nights. Which are awesomely fun by the way. Got to the second rounds in Tekken and MVC3. Met some new people there and made some friends. Cool ones at that. Well, cool in my eyes. Come on. Have you not picked up what I talk about most of the time on these blogs? Anywho... I may be nerdy but not compared to some of these people. I'm not talking down on them or anything, I'm actually giving them kudos for being so hilariously nerdy and awesome. I mean think about it. What is the first thing you guys think about when you hear the words "geek" or "nerd"? Share, please. 

Because I've got some stories to tell. But, only if I get some feedback. HA!

And speaking of old jobs. New ones are hard to find. SHEESH. I can't tell you how many places I have sent my resume and applied to. And nada. though I have attended a couple interviews and I have two more coming up... it's a pain when you don't get the job, you know? Until then, I was thinking about drawing commissions... I don't really know what my prices would be. Will have to figure it out. Would anyone actually be interested? 

And with that, I'm off for the night. Till tomorrow. 

Oh, and did you know that the plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets?  

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Where have I been the last two days? Gosh, what is with me?

Well, I was sick for a bit. That and I was cleaning up after everyone for two days, and had one of my awesome panic attacks the day before and that just topped off everything. Panic attacks always make me tired for a couple days, I don't quite know why. 

Anyways, as promised I am back and I have some interesting things to say. 

Remember when I said I wanted to get a rat? Well, did my research for a few days and got two. You can't keep them alone... they are pack mammals and don't enjoy living without the company of their kind. I wouldn't either. Would you? Being put into a cage and being fed and played with by this giant and waiting to play with only them, all day? I would rather have company. It's only right. 

So, got two male hooded rats. They were already accustomed to one another so, they aren't fighting. At least not yet. They are still getting used to their new home and me for now anyways. NAmed them Ceasar and Romeo. I'll have to put some pictures up a little later. I sure hope that I can slowly work them into growing a liking for me. They are extremely iffy for now. They aren't socialized yet, so it will take a while. Especially since I bought them from the local pet shop. I wanted to buy from a breeder or adopt from an animal shelter. But apparently no one had rats. It was extremely odd. I guess around where I live they aren't quite too popular as pets. Texans... 

For now, waiting on my sister to bring me home some of my grandmas' spaghetti. I. CAN'T. WAIT. 

Anyone have a grandparent or close relative that just cooks so amazing that you can eat their food until you practically explode? Anyone?

I do. And I swear she is the best cook in the entire universe. Why? She is Italian that's why. And if anyone knows what cooking is. It's an italian Grandmother.
Everyone needs one of these. 

 How do you eat your spaghetti? What do you cook with it? Us? We have Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad, Fried Chicken, Meatballs, eggs, and a whole lotto it. It's great to eat especially when you are just chilling with the family. Only bad part about that is when you are sitting with the grandparents they make you eat until you are literally stuffed. You're full? No, no, no! Eat more, eat! Manja baby, MANJA MANJA! 

And I'm cutting it short again guys, my food is here and I am totally not ditching you to go eat it. 

Did you know that Italians eat about 66 lbs of pasta a year, each? God, no wonder I have huge hips. 

Night y'all!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Breaking A Promise

SO TIRED. Tomorrow, I swear. I will post something worth while...

until then, here is a hint leading up to what I will most likely be talking about...

... ... did you know that the scientific name for a "Brain freeze" is " Sphenopalatine Ganlioneuralgia" ?

... I hope I spelled that correctly. 


Night guys, I am off to HIT THE SACK! 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Keeping A Promise

And so today did not go as planned. And tomorrow I will fill you in on all of the happenings in my head and things to rant about. Until then...

Please enjoy this gif of shocked kitty. Aww... kitty!

And a random fact for you as well... did you know that a single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just seven years? 

No wonder shocked kitty is so shocked. 

Have a good night y'all!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Rat"tling Things Up

So it's almost midnight here, but I'm already typing. So it counts as a blog for today, HA!

But, we're cutting to the chase today. Mostly because I've been in a crazy mood practically all darn day. So... First off for today, we're talking about waking up on the wrong side of the bed and just being in a bad mood. Happens to the best of us doesn't it? We wake up and as soon as we set foot on the ground we step on something, jump, knock something else over, then trip on ourselves... Thus, resulting in us knowing that there is potential for a crappy day which then makes us pretty much pissed for the rest of it. If it doesn't happen to you, you're awesome. Or you have a creepily perfect life.

A lot of times when we are in a bad mood we JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE. It's not hard to ask for. But there is always that person just gets so hell bent on bugging you and bugging you about what's wrong, that it drives you insane and you discover that the purpose of today's anger was probably meant just to murder them. But since we are sane and logical individuals (at least most of us.) We realize that these pea-brained people are just concerned for us so we don't kill them... Yet. We just smash at our keyboards or destroy something else in their place. BEcause that is what civilized people do.

So yeah, point is. Today I was in a horrible mood. Which is extremely rare. Because I'm usually nice and friendly and whatnot. So, When I'm in a bad mood, people run. Because if you know nice people, they are always the worst when it comes to being mean... apparently...According to what I've heard. At least my boyfriend says I'm scary when I'm pissed. Anyways, I personally use the excuse that I'm half Italian, half Mexican, and I'm a Scorpio. I'm like a murderous rampage waiting to happen, right? I don't know. I'm one of those people that you don't know is pissed until it's too late. I smile a lot. So if I'm already pissy and you say the wrong words, you're pretty much screwed. It's the glare, the glare that really let's you know.

(I drew this picture guys, please don't steal it. )

No, really... what did you just say about my momma?

Yea, I think my inner anger is a murderous rampage waiting to happen. Then again, whose isn't these days? Or maybe it's just because I'm a woman. We all have that secret spit-fire ability I think. I won't lie. We know how to be bitches when it's necessary. Women are evil. I should know. If you want a few hints on angry women guys... all you need to know is that "I'm fine," "Whatever," and "It doesn't matter" all mean, "PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT WHAT IS BUGGING ME!" And if a woman says " I don't want to talk about it" or " Leave me alone." SHE MEANS IT. It means that you should evacuate the room immediately before she rips off your two best friends. Women are such confusing creatures. Even I don't know why. Maybe being complicated is just fun. How do you act when you're pissed? Are you subtle? All out? Or do you go through the volcano stages? 

... ... On a more enjoyable note. I'm a lonely, lonely, human being. And I feel like I should get a pet. Something, cute, fun, and nocturnal... just like me! ;) Nah, I'm kidding. I'm not that cute. But seriously. I miss the companionship of a pet to chill with me at these times I would usually be blogging or drawing. I used to have a cat, but we'll talk haunted pet memories another time. But I feel that I should invest in a Fancy rat.

Okay, we're getting a little... LITERAL here...

(BTW this image does not belong to me. Credit goes to: ) 

No but seriously, have any of you had a Fancy Rat? I've heard these little guys are pretty smart and can even learn to do tricks? That's pretty awesome. I can appreciate a pet who is at my level of intelligence. A non-expensive and lively pet to have. I wouldn't mind. Plus a bit bigger than a hamster and a little more so loveable. That's a plus in my book. (don't worry I won't put men in that same comparison.) I used to breed hamsters, so one friendly rat might do me some good. IF anyone has had one of these little guys as pets, I would love some advice. 

Well, we're cutting it a little short tonight, guys. Tomorrow we'll be talking about video games and movies perhaps. If there are any games you're thinking about playing but you want to know if they are any good, let me know. Not only am I a gamer, but I used to work with Gamestop. So, maybe I could help. 

And so I'll leave you with yet another fact...

It has been proven that when tickled, a rat makes a noise that sounds a lot like laughter. Unfortunately it cannot be heard by the human ear alone. 

G'night y'all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chocolate Cake And Spider-Man!

If you play any kind of video game, then you know what I am referencing with this title of today's blog. If not... you might want to play "Portal," One of the best games on Ps3 and XBox360 in my opinion...But, although I am using a nerdy reference, I am not truly talking about the game today. I'm sorry, if you wanted me to talk the game up, I'll do it another time...

But today, we're actually talking about literal CAKE. (and how it is not a lie. At my house that is.)

My inner fatty just had a mouth-gasm.

Why are we talking about cake? Why else? This cake that you see so deliciously looming over my text was made by yours truly today. I felt the need to put it in my blog, because who doesn't like cake? It's at most parties, weddings, anniversaries, barbecues, and get togethers. (You get the picture.) All I'm saying, is why NOT blog about the cake? It's easy to eat, warm, and goes great with ice cream! (insert that's what she/he said joke here.) I mean, when a lot of people eat cake now a days, how many of them stop and wonder, why the heck they eat cakes at all these occasions? How many people stop stuffing their faces with this amazing dessert and wonder how it caught up with all these occasions? Other than the fact that it tastes like heaven when you eat it and when you're done you're so full you feel like hell. 

Apparently cakes for special occasions traces all the way back to the ancient greeks. Who would prepare this "Sweet bread" for important people's birthdays and special weddings. So I guess if you were cool enough you got a party with food that tasted way better than what you normally eat. This is just what I picked up from what I read, if I'm wrong, I blame my resources. 

Anyways, I guess over time the not so important people just said "screw waiting for Bob's birthday every year." And made their own cakes. Who needs special occasions to gorge themselves anyways? Not me, It wasn't anyones birthday. 

On another note, I'll stop boring you with rants about cake and bring you over to another subject that is somewhat nerd related.... Yesterday I was bashing at DC for their reboot. Today I'm going to talk a little about Marvel. Now, before you say anything, I'm not bashing anyone. I'm just highly upset with some of their FANS.

If anyone reads the Ultimate Spiderman series, they are going to instantly know what I'm talking about. If not, I don't know if you've heard the buzz... but, Peter Parker (The original Spiderman) Recently DIED in the Ultimate series. And if a nerd is a nerd they are going to go absolutely bonkers over this, because he is Peter freaking Parker for pete's sake. HE is Spiderman. One of the most well-known and looked up to super heroes around. You don't just shrug that off and go on sipping your tea. You flip some serious shit. You flip tables even. Now, we know they aren't going to stop the series because of that-- ooh no. There would be way too many people threatening the lives of anyone associated with Marvel. They are continuing the series, no cloning of Peter (that we know of yet) no magical reanimation, nothing that we can see of our original Spidey coming back. They are replacing him... which many people would be fine with. I for one don't care. I think it's a splendid idea! Not even a hero can live forever, we all need to take a break eventually. But, what many people are upset and even having mental breakdowns about... is that the new Spiderman is Half Hispanic and half Black. 

His name is Miles Morales. And quite honestly, I think he would make a pretty cool Spiderman. 

The problem is that people are making a huge stink about this because you guessed it... he is Hispanic/Black. But a lot of them DON'T EVEN READ THE ULTIMATE SPIDERMAN SERIES! These people are just looking for reasons to be absolutely inconsiderate and rude! The idea of Spiderman is that he is a hero and an icon. he is looked up to because of that. Anyone can be a hero despite what race they are or what they look like. And I applaud Marvel for this new Spiderman. It's about time that people learned to look up to others who aren't the stereotype. I believe that people are entitled to their opinion, yes. But I don't believe that people should form that opinion without thinking things through thoroughly. They should realize that other people besides themselves DO exist and DO have feelings. If they are going to be absolutely self centered and oblivious to that, then I cannot appreciate their opinion. People need to grow up, and learn that we live in a huge, diverse world. And they aren't the only ones in it. And if they are going to make a huge stink about a fictional character such as Spiderman... they need to find a hobby. Besides, if they knew anything about comics, they would understand that MArvel would find a way to bring ol' Peter back anyways. They always do. So in my opinion, I think they need to take a chill pill.

Like I said, we're all entitled to our opinion... and this is mine. 

Sorry for the cutting short in funny today, guys. I promise tomorrow will be better. 

Until then I'll leave you with a fact...

Did you know another name for spinkles is jimmies?

See yah, folks. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So, I'm on time in blogging today! Hurray! Just wanted to show a little bit of what I have been working on. Don't know how long this one has taken me, but it's been a while. So yeah, not finished yet as you can see, but soon enough I'm going to be adding in his light saber and finishing up his robes.

Yoda has to be one of my favorite characters from star wars. Who doesn't like him and his jumbled up way of speaking. Plus, who could say no to that face? He is like one of those super cute sugar gliders, except way deformed and possibly radioactive looking.

Radiation at it's finest.

It all makes sense now! The force, the chinchilla (wait, what?) Guy, The LIGHT SABERS! JABBA! They all scream radio-active! We should have thought about it sooner. 

Today has been a revelation for us all. 

Speaking of Radiation. I would like to express my feelings on a much debated over matter as of recently-- The DC reboot. Thoughts? Feelings? Threats of murder, anyone? I'm a huge DC fan. I won't lie. I am especially a batman addict and a Green lantern junkie. When I first heard about the reboot I readied my torch and pitchfork. They have really changed a lot of things. And In my opinion, not everything for the better. I can understand that they want to do this reboot to get new readers in that have been wanting to for so long, but could not. Why? Because if you are an avid reader, you know that these comics don't wait on anyone. If you wanted to get into green lantern or some other already on-going story you have to research, and read up on it, and study in order to catch up with the latest comic. It's not that much fun. So yes, DC did well in wanting to pull in the already interested. But they are changing a lot of these things that they were interested in. And what about their current readers? But I guess they didn't want to piss off Stan Lee (I've heard he is pretty iffy about DC.) and make something similar to Marvel's Ultimate series. 

I've got mixed feelings about the reboot all together. But, we will see what happens I supposed. I'll pick up the new batman of course and the new GL series. Maybe even the promised Red Lantern comic. Prove my doubts wrong DC. 

Since we're talking about comics today and other relatively fun stuff, I'll leave with the fact of--

Did you know the world's largest comic book collection actually belongs to the library of congress? It has over 100,000 issues and growing. 

Now I've got other stuff to do. 

See yah. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Cruel Cool World

Okay, so technically here... it's Tuesday. But, Somewhere else... It is still Monday. Somewhere. So I'll stick with that story.

Ever watch "Cool World"? One of the most obnoxious knock off movies ever made. The plot line going no where, the animation alongside real actors? Yea, it was pretty good if you like watching "pretty" colors, cartoons on crack, raunchy women and Brad Pitt. I won't lie it was a horrible movie, doesn't mean I won't watch it again. Kept me entertained for a good 102 Minutes. Of course mostly because I was trying to figure out where the whole story is going and why there is no actual flow to the movie the whole time... Oh well, What it lacks in story it makes up with scarcely dressed cartoon women who end up having sex with real men. Hurray! That's what we all came for, isn't it?

Well... kind of. I'll bet you that 90% of the people that watched that movie, watched it just for Holli Would. 5% because it had cartoons. The other 5% because of Brad Pitts amazing hair. For me the first time was the cartoons. Well, the second time I have to admit... Holli. Only so I could cruelly compare her idiocy to the amazing woman who came before her... Jessica Rabbit.

"Cool World" as we all know, was originally supposed to be a horror movie. (If you did not know that, now you do.) Unfortunately, the script ended up changing... and the only horror that came from it-- was how bad it ended up turning out. Basically... it just turned into "Who framed Roger Rabbit" Gone bad and coated with sex. they've got counterparts for almost everyone. There are detectives in both, cartoon whores, cartoons trying to act like real people, and they both begin in the 40's.

Why did I even watch this movie again?... Oh, yes I remember now. I was tricked with promises of cartoons! Good ones! And everyone else because of the boobs. And maybe Brad Pitt's astonishing hair.

But I'm an artist, and I love animation. So what can I do? I'll  probably end up drawing some sort of cat fight between Holli and Jessica later. It's a part of my instinct.

Anyways, I'm sure I just wrote about something all of you already know. But, that's all I've got for today, folks!

In other news... did you know that the average cat has 24 whiskers? That's some news. You'll learn eventually that I REALLY like cats.

Ta-ta for now.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

And With New Beginnings...

Comes a new blog. Hurray!

So  yeah, I figured I would start myself up a blog. SHh-- nobody knows yet. At least my friends and family don't. But, that's okay. I kind of want to just start this out as a kind of weird... I don't know... Informative journal? Okay, Mostly a ranting sanctuary for someone who needs somewhere to do so. I swear it will get better as time goes on.

Anyways, I plan on making it a fun blog of sorts. None of that "Let me write my depressing daily life down on this blog-journal-shennanigan-thingamajiggy!" (If that is how you spell it? Someone should tell me how you really spell that word.)

Let's seeeee, what else? Oh, I'm an artist, so I'll be posting some of my artist insight I guess? Hopefully will get some from other people. As you can see I drew my background. It's a pretty old picture back from '08, but I thought it would suffice for now. I'll edit this stuff more later. But, yeah. Will be ranting on some silly art subjects, maybe movies, books, daily life, and will probably have an occasional random and completely useless fact of the day... Yes! I'm going to try and blog this thing every day!

Like I said, this is supposed to be a fun blog, mostly for me, partly for you. (If anyone reads it, if not that's okay. Your attention is not needed for me to make silly rants about things that don't matter!) Maybe somewhere in between. We'll talk about that later.

So for the first blog, I'll say I hope to make some friends along my blogging journey and I hope to keep myself and maybe some random other readers entertained.

Until then, Adios for now. Tomorrow will be much more entertaining. I swear.