Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chocolate Cake And Spider-Man!

If you play any kind of video game, then you know what I am referencing with this title of today's blog. If not... you might want to play "Portal," One of the best games on Ps3 and XBox360 in my opinion...But, although I am using a nerdy reference, I am not truly talking about the game today. I'm sorry, if you wanted me to talk the game up, I'll do it another time...

But today, we're actually talking about literal CAKE. (and how it is not a lie. At my house that is.)

My inner fatty just had a mouth-gasm.

Why are we talking about cake? Why else? This cake that you see so deliciously looming over my text was made by yours truly today. I felt the need to put it in my blog, because who doesn't like cake? It's at most parties, weddings, anniversaries, barbecues, and get togethers. (You get the picture.) All I'm saying, is why NOT blog about the cake? It's easy to eat, warm, and goes great with ice cream! (insert that's what she/he said joke here.) I mean, when a lot of people eat cake now a days, how many of them stop and wonder, why the heck they eat cakes at all these occasions? How many people stop stuffing their faces with this amazing dessert and wonder how it caught up with all these occasions? Other than the fact that it tastes like heaven when you eat it and when you're done you're so full you feel like hell. 

Apparently cakes for special occasions traces all the way back to the ancient greeks. Who would prepare this "Sweet bread" for important people's birthdays and special weddings. So I guess if you were cool enough you got a party with food that tasted way better than what you normally eat. This is just what I picked up from what I read, if I'm wrong, I blame my resources. 

Anyways, I guess over time the not so important people just said "screw waiting for Bob's birthday every year." And made their own cakes. Who needs special occasions to gorge themselves anyways? Not me, It wasn't anyones birthday. 

On another note, I'll stop boring you with rants about cake and bring you over to another subject that is somewhat nerd related.... Yesterday I was bashing at DC for their reboot. Today I'm going to talk a little about Marvel. Now, before you say anything, I'm not bashing anyone. I'm just highly upset with some of their FANS.

If anyone reads the Ultimate Spiderman series, they are going to instantly know what I'm talking about. If not, I don't know if you've heard the buzz... but, Peter Parker (The original Spiderman) Recently DIED in the Ultimate series. And if a nerd is a nerd they are going to go absolutely bonkers over this, because he is Peter freaking Parker for pete's sake. HE is Spiderman. One of the most well-known and looked up to super heroes around. You don't just shrug that off and go on sipping your tea. You flip some serious shit. You flip tables even. Now, we know they aren't going to stop the series because of that-- ooh no. There would be way too many people threatening the lives of anyone associated with Marvel. They are continuing the series, no cloning of Peter (that we know of yet) no magical reanimation, nothing that we can see of our original Spidey coming back. They are replacing him... which many people would be fine with. I for one don't care. I think it's a splendid idea! Not even a hero can live forever, we all need to take a break eventually. But, what many people are upset and even having mental breakdowns about... is that the new Spiderman is Half Hispanic and half Black. 

His name is Miles Morales. And quite honestly, I think he would make a pretty cool Spiderman. 

The problem is that people are making a huge stink about this because you guessed it... he is Hispanic/Black. But a lot of them DON'T EVEN READ THE ULTIMATE SPIDERMAN SERIES! These people are just looking for reasons to be absolutely inconsiderate and rude! The idea of Spiderman is that he is a hero and an icon. he is looked up to because of that. Anyone can be a hero despite what race they are or what they look like. And I applaud Marvel for this new Spiderman. It's about time that people learned to look up to others who aren't the stereotype. I believe that people are entitled to their opinion, yes. But I don't believe that people should form that opinion without thinking things through thoroughly. They should realize that other people besides themselves DO exist and DO have feelings. If they are going to be absolutely self centered and oblivious to that, then I cannot appreciate their opinion. People need to grow up, and learn that we live in a huge, diverse world. And they aren't the only ones in it. And if they are going to make a huge stink about a fictional character such as Spiderman... they need to find a hobby. Besides, if they knew anything about comics, they would understand that MArvel would find a way to bring ol' Peter back anyways. They always do. So in my opinion, I think they need to take a chill pill.

Like I said, we're all entitled to our opinion... and this is mine. 

Sorry for the cutting short in funny today, guys. I promise tomorrow will be better. 

Until then I'll leave you with a fact...

Did you know another name for spinkles is jimmies?

See yah, folks. 

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