Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So, I'm on time in blogging today! Hurray! Just wanted to show a little bit of what I have been working on. Don't know how long this one has taken me, but it's been a while. So yeah, not finished yet as you can see, but soon enough I'm going to be adding in his light saber and finishing up his robes.

Yoda has to be one of my favorite characters from star wars. Who doesn't like him and his jumbled up way of speaking. Plus, who could say no to that face? He is like one of those super cute sugar gliders, except way deformed and possibly radioactive looking.

Radiation at it's finest.

It all makes sense now! The force, the chinchilla (wait, what?) Guy, The LIGHT SABERS! JABBA! They all scream radio-active! We should have thought about it sooner. 

Today has been a revelation for us all. 

Speaking of Radiation. I would like to express my feelings on a much debated over matter as of recently-- The DC reboot. Thoughts? Feelings? Threats of murder, anyone? I'm a huge DC fan. I won't lie. I am especially a batman addict and a Green lantern junkie. When I first heard about the reboot I readied my torch and pitchfork. They have really changed a lot of things. And In my opinion, not everything for the better. I can understand that they want to do this reboot to get new readers in that have been wanting to for so long, but could not. Why? Because if you are an avid reader, you know that these comics don't wait on anyone. If you wanted to get into green lantern or some other already on-going story you have to research, and read up on it, and study in order to catch up with the latest comic. It's not that much fun. So yes, DC did well in wanting to pull in the already interested. But they are changing a lot of these things that they were interested in. And what about their current readers? But I guess they didn't want to piss off Stan Lee (I've heard he is pretty iffy about DC.) and make something similar to Marvel's Ultimate series. 

I've got mixed feelings about the reboot all together. But, we will see what happens I supposed. I'll pick up the new batman of course and the new GL series. Maybe even the promised Red Lantern comic. Prove my doubts wrong DC. 

Since we're talking about comics today and other relatively fun stuff, I'll leave with the fact of--

Did you know the world's largest comic book collection actually belongs to the library of congress? It has over 100,000 issues and growing. 

Now I've got other stuff to do. 

See yah. 


  1. Wow this is great blog. The post was great, and the picture of Yoda was amazing. Did you also draw your background? because it is awesome. I am most definitely a follower.

  2. This comment may seem a bit like personal blog whoring, but it's not. Ok, there might be a smidgen of self interest in my reason for posting.

    I saw some complements on your work from the Coffee Shop forum; and so, I decided to come have a little look see for myself. Turns out you are good at what you do.

    I am part of a group of bloggers who run site designed to promote/increase awareness of new upcoming artist. We represent everything from pottery to poetry.

    The way it works is independent artist, such as yourself, choose various pieces they want to present to a wider audience and submit those works along with a short bio of yourself and any links on where people can find more of your work. Once it is confirmed that your submission is of your own design (as we've had to deal with posers in the past) we create a post highlighting your work, your bio, and links you supply.

    The highlight post are great sources for feedback on your work as well.

    At the end of every month we have a public vote open to all readers of our blog where they vote to what was the best piece submitted for that month. The winning artist gets their work and a more in-depth bio of them posted as a feature of the month for an entire month.

    Our goal really is to try and help other upcoming artist get their name recognized. We are not looking to make a profit from any artist work, so if you do check us out you will notice that we do not have any ad revenue services nor advertisements for third party blog catalogues. It's all about sharing the art.

    I hope you stop by and check us out. Here is a link Gallery No. 3 I think you work would make a wonderful addition to our site.

    Gallery No. 3, isn't it time for your voice to emerge? http://galleryno3.blogspot.com

    I hope we see a submission from you soon.

    BTW After watching the new star wars I had Yoda pegged as more ADHD mosquito than squirrel, although squirrels would be nicer to pet so for Luke's sake I hope your vision is more accurate. I'm getting chills from imagining a giant mosquito sitting on my shoulders whispering in my ear. Although, it would explain why Luke was so egger to rush to Cloud City.

    Also, awesome job on Jessica Rabbit. She's not bad, she's just drawn that way.

  3. Hey CmB! Thank you for the referral to your blog. It definitely seemed interesting, and so I did in fact try to submit some stuff. I sure hope I did it right!

    I could see where you are coming from with the idea that he resembled a mosquito. I should have thought of that one myself!

    BTW you are awesome for quoting Jessica Rabbit. Thank you for liking the way I drew her, I'm glad you do! :)
