Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Rat"tling Things Up

So it's almost midnight here, but I'm already typing. So it counts as a blog for today, HA!

But, we're cutting to the chase today. Mostly because I've been in a crazy mood practically all darn day. So... First off for today, we're talking about waking up on the wrong side of the bed and just being in a bad mood. Happens to the best of us doesn't it? We wake up and as soon as we set foot on the ground we step on something, jump, knock something else over, then trip on ourselves... Thus, resulting in us knowing that there is potential for a crappy day which then makes us pretty much pissed for the rest of it. If it doesn't happen to you, you're awesome. Or you have a creepily perfect life.

A lot of times when we are in a bad mood we JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE. It's not hard to ask for. But there is always that person just gets so hell bent on bugging you and bugging you about what's wrong, that it drives you insane and you discover that the purpose of today's anger was probably meant just to murder them. But since we are sane and logical individuals (at least most of us.) We realize that these pea-brained people are just concerned for us so we don't kill them... Yet. We just smash at our keyboards or destroy something else in their place. BEcause that is what civilized people do.

So yeah, point is. Today I was in a horrible mood. Which is extremely rare. Because I'm usually nice and friendly and whatnot. So, When I'm in a bad mood, people run. Because if you know nice people, they are always the worst when it comes to being mean... apparently...According to what I've heard. At least my boyfriend says I'm scary when I'm pissed. Anyways, I personally use the excuse that I'm half Italian, half Mexican, and I'm a Scorpio. I'm like a murderous rampage waiting to happen, right? I don't know. I'm one of those people that you don't know is pissed until it's too late. I smile a lot. So if I'm already pissy and you say the wrong words, you're pretty much screwed. It's the glare, the glare that really let's you know.

(I drew this picture guys, please don't steal it. )

No, really... what did you just say about my momma?

Yea, I think my inner anger is a murderous rampage waiting to happen. Then again, whose isn't these days? Or maybe it's just because I'm a woman. We all have that secret spit-fire ability I think. I won't lie. We know how to be bitches when it's necessary. Women are evil. I should know. If you want a few hints on angry women guys... all you need to know is that "I'm fine," "Whatever," and "It doesn't matter" all mean, "PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT WHAT IS BUGGING ME!" And if a woman says " I don't want to talk about it" or " Leave me alone." SHE MEANS IT. It means that you should evacuate the room immediately before she rips off your two best friends. Women are such confusing creatures. Even I don't know why. Maybe being complicated is just fun. How do you act when you're pissed? Are you subtle? All out? Or do you go through the volcano stages? 

... ... On a more enjoyable note. I'm a lonely, lonely, human being. And I feel like I should get a pet. Something, cute, fun, and nocturnal... just like me! ;) Nah, I'm kidding. I'm not that cute. But seriously. I miss the companionship of a pet to chill with me at these times I would usually be blogging or drawing. I used to have a cat, but we'll talk haunted pet memories another time. But I feel that I should invest in a Fancy rat.

Okay, we're getting a little... LITERAL here...

(BTW this image does not belong to me. Credit goes to: ) 

No but seriously, have any of you had a Fancy Rat? I've heard these little guys are pretty smart and can even learn to do tricks? That's pretty awesome. I can appreciate a pet who is at my level of intelligence. A non-expensive and lively pet to have. I wouldn't mind. Plus a bit bigger than a hamster and a little more so loveable. That's a plus in my book. (don't worry I won't put men in that same comparison.) I used to breed hamsters, so one friendly rat might do me some good. IF anyone has had one of these little guys as pets, I would love some advice. 

Well, we're cutting it a little short tonight, guys. Tomorrow we'll be talking about video games and movies perhaps. If there are any games you're thinking about playing but you want to know if they are any good, let me know. Not only am I a gamer, but I used to work with Gamestop. So, maybe I could help. 

And so I'll leave you with yet another fact...

It has been proven that when tickled, a rat makes a noise that sounds a lot like laughter. Unfortunately it cannot be heard by the human ear alone. 

G'night y'all.

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